AI Strategy & Organizational Development


A large obstacle to the adoption of AI is the lack of cultural development driven by senior executives. Presented in the press as the ultimate solution to productivity gains, we see a constant focus on LLM model performance, data science, security threats and science fiction in the form of dystopias - AI is synonymous with uncertainties.

We've experienced tectonic technology shifts before (mobile, cloud) but AI introduces many new challenges. Regulations and frameworks thus far focus on security, safety, transparency and risk, rightfully so, yet also impacting the perception of AI and its opportunity. We see a frenetic race where companies are pumping breaks yet fearful of falling behind in competitiveness.

Meanwhile there is lack of general understanding of what AI is good at and not, expectations and how enterprise AI should be operationalized compared to the use of commercially available products. In addition, there is a lack of alignment on how data should be curated for AI knowledge systems and applications to provide security and deterministic answers as compared to legacy machine learning models build for a specific purpose. We recognize that a diverse range of players across the organization should be engaged; we have been looking for a model to help organizations measure their AI maturity, engage stakeholders in a meaningful way and uncover how AI may influence enterprise departments, products and human workflows.

Potentia Concepts has partnered with DIMM.UP an expert in Digital & AI Transformation diagnostics and benchmarking to offer enterprise customers a comprehensive tool to evaluate AI maturity leveraging over 115 indicators covering several strategic categories.  From this diagnostic, we assist clients to implement the diagnostic tool, chart an AI roadmap aligned to strategic priorities and improve on the indicators. The DIMM.UP platform is a useful tool for CIOs, CDAIOs, PMO’s and Digital Transformation leaders to establish a snapshot and track progress with insightful dashboards and reports. It is also assists to prioritize projects and resources so they are aligned with strategic objectives and tracked against KPIs.

DIIMM.UP Multi Screen

DIMM.UP Features

  • Free short diagnostic and consultation
  • 360-degree digital / AI maturity model (+115 indicators)
  • 3 methodologies (Detailed, Essential, Thematic)
  • Benchmark data (Internal and Sector-Based)
  • Platform with dashboards and longitudinal reporting
  • 3 subscription plans (Discovery, Pro, Premium)
  • Professional services consulting


  • Increase innovation, sales, talent, reduce costs
  • Understand AI/Digital strengths & weaknesses quickly
  • Set your roadmap for AI and digital maturity aligned to strategy
  • Periodically evaluate progress with longitudinal tracking
  • Compare scores with internal teams, by sector and worldwide
  • Apply maturity across the organization: Culture, Governance, Training, Innovation, Product, Technology, Environment

Ready to find out more?

Contact us for a consultation and demo today.