Are Your Security, Privacy & Compliance Learning Programs Stuck in Silos ?
With Cybersecurity Month, Unleash World HR and IAPP around the corner this fall it’s a great time to talk about the pitfalls of siloed learning programs especially as it relates to cybersecurity, data privacy and compliance and the potential benefits of consolidation and alignment. workforce education programs and reducing the complexity, cost and
In short, siloed education programs are inefficient for a number of reasons most notably:
- Multiple learning systems impact the workforce training experience by requiring different logins, user interfaces and learning paths;
- Multiple learning programs run from different departments and not through a centralized HR training department are often not well coordinated and scheduled, they full workforce, consultants and partners should be considered;
- Multiple learning systems incur separate license costs, contracts and vendor management for each system and number users;
- Reporting across multiple learning systems from different departments can be messy, leading to data fragmentation and different data types. These often require data feed transformation and automation to a central HR system;
- Multiple learning systems require multiple administrators and support teams that understand how they work. We often encounter IT/Security Managers and Legal Compliance Officers sourcing and managing their own learning systems which is not an efficient use of their time or their core capability.
Quick Do’s to Consider
- Do, check internally within your organization’s HR department to see how training is structured and how your security, privacy or compliance learning system can be integrated and support by a qualified training manager;
- Do work with HR and your legal team to ensure the scope of your workforce including employees, consultants and partners - determine who needs to be trained, who they are managed by and if any labor unions or laws apply;
- Do, supply training content, reporting and completion / compliance timeline requirements, reminders to your training manager;
- Do work with HR and your training manager to ensure that your courses are coordinated and communicated on a monthly and annual training calendar and learning pathway, be aware of other training requirements for users;
- Do minimize the unnecessary storage and transfer of user data for your program, automate where possible;
Centralized education programs are worth the investment on many levels. The payoff will be there in terms of meeting compliance, saving costs, administration and building a more positive learning environment.
Adam Hoey is Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Potentia Concepts with offices in Washington DC and Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
When he’s not riding a bike, Adam writes on topics related to digital innovation, mobility, human-factor security and education. He can be reached at